Diploprion bifasciatum(382525)相關文獻 共 3 筆
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編號 作者 標題 關連魚種
B0969 Randall, J. E., G. R. Allen and R. C. Steene 1990 Fishes of the Great Barrier Reef and Coral Sea. Crawford House Press. 380925;380927... 
B1928 沈世傑 編 Shih-Chieh Shen ed. 1993 臺灣魚類誌 Fishes of Taiwan 383227;383226... 
Lost0719 Baldwin, C.C.; Johnson, G.D.; Colin, P.L. 1991 Larvae of Diploprion bifasciatum, Belonoperca chabanadi and Grammistes sexlineatus (Serranidae: Epinephlinae) with a comparison of known larvae of other epinephelines. 382525;382567 

